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Beef & Ale Casserole with horseradish & thyme sauce

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5m 2h 30m 1-Piece of cake 158
Not tried yet
Added by stuart and jen on 14 February 2010
fjordaan forked this on 19 February 2010 (1 descendant)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

A meltingly tender casserole that is quick to prepare ...
Make the day ahead if possible, to allow the flavours to develop.


Makes 4 servings

  • 2 tbs sunflower oil
  • 450g diced beef
  • 2 large onions, peeled and thickly sliced
  • 2 tbs light brown soft sugar
  • 1 tbs plain flour
  • 2 tbs balsamic vinegar
  • 500ml strong pale ale
  • 2 tbs creamed horseradish
  • 1 tbs fresh thyme leaves

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

1. Preheat the oven to 150C.

2. Heat 1tbs of the oil in a large ovenproof and flameproof casserole dish with a lid. Add the beef in 2-3 batches and cook each for 2-3 minutes, until lightly browned. Transfer all the meat to a plate and set aside.

3. Heat the remaining oil and add the onions to the casserole dish. Saute over a low heat for 6-7 minutes or until beginning to soften. Add the sugar, flour and balsamic vinegar and stir over a high heat for 2-3 minutes. Pour the ale over the onions and stir until it reaches boiling point.

4. Return the beef to the casserole and season lightly. Cover and cook in the oven for 2 hours, or until meat is very tender and the cooking liquid has reduced to a syrupy consistency.

5. Mix the creamed horseradish and thyme leaves together and serve as an accompaniment to the casserole with creamy mashed potato.

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Photos by stuart and jen (2)

Caramelising the onions ...View on Flickr
Caramelising the onions ...Caramelising the onions ...
Served with creamy mashed potato!Served with creamy mashed potato!