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Creamy risotto topped with bacon and courgette.

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Prep time Cook time Difficulty Views Rated (0) Recipe #
5m 30m 3-Medium 1375
Not tried yet
Added by rob0802 on 27 July 2008 (0 descendants)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

This is wonderfully simple recipe using few ingredients and leaves a well fed feeling for hours. Some possible variations are offered at the end.


Makes 2 servings

  • ½ - 1 cup Risotto rice
  • good chicken stock
  • 1 onion
  • fresh grated parmesan 1/2 to 1 cup
  • 5 or 6 rashers smoked bacon
  • 1 courgette
  • splash of white wine or dry vermouth (optional)
  • double cream
  • butter and olive oil

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

Slice the courgette into 1/2" rings, slice the bacon rashers, dice the onion and bring to simmer the chicken stock.

In a good sized pan, heat a knob of butter and a splash of oil. Gently fry the diced onion until it starts to soften - add the rice and stir. When the outer portion of the rice grains become transparent, add a splash of dry vermouth or white wine, not too much else its flavour will dominate. Once the wine has evaporated, add a ladle of stock from the simmering pan. Each time the stock reduces in the pan, add another ladle until the rice is cooked as desired (slight crunch or competely soft). The rice will continue softening after you take the pan from the heat so it's worth stopping just before it's as you want it. While you are cooking the rice, heat a frying pan and cook the bacon. Most bacon release water and when it appears the bacon is boiling, add a splash of oil. When the bacon is cooked through but not yet crispy, add the courgette. Carry on cooking until the courgette has softened, the bacon is crispy and any water has evaporated. Drain in a sieve or spread over kitchen towel. By this stage the rice should be nearly ready, ensuring the rice has absorbed the last stock you added, stir in the parmesan and the cream according to taste and cover the pan with a towel wrapped lid. Stand for a few minutes. Serve a healthy round of the rissotto in the centre of a plate. Top with the courgette and bacon and some grated parmesan and enjoy.

I am purposely vague with quantities. I believe it is the the basic idea and in some cases the cooking process that is important and your own judgement and taste can take care of the exact quantities.

Variations; you could try a teaspoon of cumin seed in with the courgette and bacon. White cabbage could be used instead of courgette and flavoured with black pepper. The courgette could be omitted and instead, the risotto served on top of a slice of fresh boiled beetroot.

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Comments (1)

  • biodiplomacy said on 26 Mar 2011:

    Delicious and that was the view of the other two people eating it. The cumin seeds were an excellent touch. Added to my repertoire of easy, cheap favourites

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