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Irish Stew

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Prep time Cook time Difficulty Views Rated (0) Recipe #
15m 1h 45m 1-Piece of cake 169
Not tried yet
Added by DebbieT on 8 February 2009
forkstar forked this on 9 February 2009 (1 descendant)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

Fabulously beefy Irish stew with mashed potato. Rib-sticking induglence food, adapted from my Irish grandmother's traditional recipe.


Makes 2 servings

  • 300g braising steak
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 1 beef stock cube
  • 1 clove garlic (or more, if you don't have work the next day ;)
  • 3 tsp Bisto gravy powder
  • 2 large potatoes
  • Some chives (optional)
  • Butter (optional)
  • Cream (optional)
  • 2 medium-sized pots or saucepans

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

1. Dice the beef to approximately 2cm cubes

2. Put the beef in a pot, along with the beef stock cube

3. Add enough water to cover the beef and then some (depends on the size of your pot).

4. Bring the pot to the boil. If you get meaty scum forming on the water, scrape it off and throw it away. Stir the pot while it's heating to ensure that the beef stock doesn't form lumps

While the pot is heating....
5. Peel and chop the carrot into discs about half the width of your finger

6. Dice the onion

7. Add the carrot and half the onion to the pot

8. Cover the pot and leave for 1 hour

1 hour later
9. Stir the pot

10. Roughly chop the garlic

11. Add the garlic and remaining onion to the pot, mixing thoroughly

12. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes

15 minutes later
13. Start heating enough water to boil your potatoes

13. Mix the bisto powder with enough cold water to make a runny paste

14. Add the bisto mixture to the meat pot whilst stirring. This will prevent the bisto forming unpleasant clumps.

15. Peel the potatoes and slice them into chunks

16. Boil the potatoes for about 15 minutes (depends on the size of your potato chunks)

17. Slice the chives into small pieces

18. When the potatoes are done, add the chives, butter and/or cream to taste.

19. Mash the potatoes thoroughly

20. Serve on a plate with the stew spooned generously over and around the mash.

21. Eat and Enjoy :)

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