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Lazy Pasta with Tomato and Chicken

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5m 15m 1-Piece of cake 5998
Not tried yet
Added by DebbieT on 14 March 2008
Mike forked this on 14 March 2010 (2 descendants)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

The old standby when I have food in the house but I'm too lazy to think of something interesting to do with it.


Makes 1 serving

  • 1 chicken breast
  • 1-2 handfuls of dried fusilli (pasta spirals)
  • 1 small can of chopped tomato
  • 1 tsp hot pepper sauce (or tbsp if you prefer)
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Whatever vegetables you have lying around - capsicum, onion, etc.
  • Utensils
  • Small saucepan

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

1. Three-quarters-fill the saucepan with water and place on the hob to boil.
2. In the meantime, roughly dice vegetables. These won't be cooked very much so place them somewhere away from the chopping board.
3. Dice the chicken breast.
4. By now the water should be boiling. Add some salt, then throw in the chicken pieces and the pasta.
5. Open the tomato tin.
6. Wait for the pasta to boil. This will probably be around ten minutes, depending on the type and how soft you like your pasta. Check the pasta packet for a guide and try a piece now and then to check.
7. When it's done, drain the pasta and chicken and place it back in the saucepan.
8. Add the tomato, vegetables, black pepper and hot pepper sauce to the pasta. Stir everything together and put it back on the heat
9. Keep stirring until everything is evenly heated. If you think the chopped tomatoes were a bit watery, let it boil for a few minutes, stirring all the while. Add a pinch of flour if it's really runny.
10. Remove the saucepan from the heat and empty the contents into a bowl or place.
11. Eat and enjoy :)

* If you're feeling energetic, you could fry or grill the chicken instead of boiling.The meal will taste much better. Hey, I said this was my lazy recipe ;)
* A little grated parmesan or cheddar on the top tastes pretty good.
* Sometimes I make sausage meatballs by scraping the filling out of raw sausages and shaping it into little balls. Put these under a hot grill at step 1, turn them over at step 5 and take them out by step 6. Throw them into the pot at step 8. Voilà! Pasta with tomato and sausage balls.

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