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Lemon Pepper Chicken Fajitas

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Prep time Cook time Difficulty Views Rated (0) Recipe #
5m 5m 2-Pretty easy 144
Not tried yet
Added by DebbieT on 24 August 2010
fjordaan forked this on 25 August 2010 (1 descendant)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

Deliciously sour and spicy fajitas. Great for casual dinner parties where everyone can dig in and roll their fajitas how they like them.


Makes 2 servings

  • For the chicken
  • 500g chicken breast
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 fresh chilli
  • ½ unwaxed lemon
  • Ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp cornflour
  • A little bit of water (about 3 tbsp)
  • 1 frying pan/wok for stir-fry
  • 1 tbsp cooking oil
  • For the table
  • Soured cream
  • Hot pepper sauce
  • Guacamole
  • Grated cheese (something with a strong but simple flavour, like mature cheddar)
  • Tortillas (corn, flour or whatever you like)
  • Vegetables. Suggestions are lettuce, peppers

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

If you like your tortillas warm or slightly toasted, start preheating your oven and put the tortillas in before you start cooking. This recipe is very quick.

1. Slice the chicken into even strips, about 1cm thick
2. Put your pan on a high heat with a tablespoon of cooking oil
3. Grate a little zest from the lemon.
4. Peel and roughly chop the garlic
5. Slice the chilli into thin rings
6. Stir fry the chicken, garlic and chilli until the chicken is cooked through.
7. Squeeze the lemon juice into the pan, add the lemon zest, grind some black pepper over the top and keep stirring
8. Mix the water with the cornflour and pour over the chicken while continuously stirring. When heated, the cornflour mix should create a lemony coating that holds the flavour to the chicken. Don't let it burn!
9. Transfer the chicken to a serving dish and serve alongside warmed tortillas, cheese, guacamole and other tasty fillings.

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Comments (1)

  • fjordaan said on 25 Aug 2010:

    Sounds great! I so want to try this. (OK, persuade the cook in the house to make it.) (Also, I didn't know you could put hyperlinks in the ingredients.)

    fjordaan forked this on 25 August 2010

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