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Linguini with Clams

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Prep time Cook time Difficulty Views Rated (0) Recipe #
15m 10m 2-Pretty easy 3932
Not tried yet
Added by eyedropper on 15 January 2008
fjordaan forked this on 16 January 2008 (3 descendants)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

One of my favourites. Originally blogged about here. Most (Mainly US) recipes call for removing the clam meat from the shells, or using cans of clams. I should think they’ll be even harder to find than fresh-frozen ones in the UK. personally I love sucking the shells clean!

Don't put parmesan on it!


Makes 0 servings

  • One pack frozen clams (200g)
  • two handful's of linguini (150g?)
  • some chopped parsley
  • handful of Cherry tomatoes (around a dozen)
  • large glass of white wine
  • one medium sized onion
  • two cloves of garlic
  • one lemon

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

Get your ingredients and pans ready. Wash tomatoes, parsley and lemon and boil the kettle for the pasta water - this saves time. Finely chop the onion and garlic. Get your clams out of the bag and rinse as well.

Fry the onion and garlic in glug of oil and small knob of butter.
Slash the cherry tomatoes and add to the pan. They’ll mush down during cooking anyway, but if you want you can cut them in half and scoop out the seas with a tea spoon (bit more effort mind).

Open the wine (slurp) and chop your parsley.

Add the kettle water to the pasta saucepan and get the pasta on. Should take about 10 mins to cook, plus 30 seconds to cool. This is a good guide on how to cook it properly.

By now the onion and garlic should have cooked. Lob in the clams in one quick go. Let them sizzle a second or two with the lid off to boil off any of the washing water, then add a good glug - say a large glass - of the white wine and a little squeeze of the lemon halves and put the lid on. Leave for 5 or 6 minutes, then shake the pan (with the lid still on).

Drain the pasta. Put the clams in the larger pan the pasta was cooked in as it’s bigger, add a little of the pasta to the now empty frying pan to ensure you collect every last drop of clamey goodness, before putting in the large pan with the clams and moving around with tongs to ensure it’s all mixed up.

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Comments (4)

  • winjer said on 16 Jan 2008:

    Looks fantastic - I love clams, but fresh ones are such a pain. Going to have to try and find the frozen ones!

    winjer forked this on 16 January 2008
  • fjordaan said on 16 Jan 2008:

    I've used the frozen ones too: works great. And I totally agree about leaving the shells in. Kelly makes this dish; I'll have to ask her whether she does it any differently.

    fjordaan forked and changed this on 16 January 2008
  • fjordaan said on 16 Jan 2008:

    Ah, she mentioned Carluccio's sell them in jars, with their shells. Pricey though. By the way, eyedropper, you didn't mention how many servings!

  • eyedropper (recipe author) said on 21 Jan 2008:

    Hello. The one's I use are frozen Vietnamese ones I think. It's rather hard to find fresh ones in Crystal Palace. I suppose you could do it with mussles, but then I'd tend towards maybe a tomato based sauce etc. I thought I added the servings, I think the above amounts would serve 4 as a starter or 2 as a main with some left over for a couple of hours later when you go back in the kitchen and have a nibble again!

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Ingredients readyIngredients ready
cooking the onion and garlic cooking the onion and garlic
served upserved up
tomatoes added, pasta ontomatoes added, pasta on