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Nacho Supreme

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Prep time Cook time Difficulty Views Rated (0) Recipe #
10m 10m 1-Piece of cake 436
Not tried yet
Added by Tora on 18 March 2008
Pinky23 forked this on 9 June 2008 (1 descendant)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

Simple. Quick. Tangy. Delicious! This has the crunchy, salty twist of a spicy dinner fingersnack! Perfect for get togethers with your mates!


Makes 0 servings

  • For example
  • - A big bag of nacho chips/ tortilla chips, the one you prefer
  • - An oven heated to +180 C
  • - Masses of cheese, I prefer a light cheddar
  • - sliced bits of bacon
  • - tomato salsa
  • Utensils
  • - Tray

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

Empty the lot of chips on a tray, slice the cheese and cover most of the chips, make sure you always have some spare cheese you can give to the drooling rottweiller beside you.
Fry up tha bacon and empty it over the nachos n' cheese. Use a spoon to spread salsa over the top, if you're serving this to others than yourself, use mild salsa, I'm not joking. I don't care if "you have balls", the salsa flavour isn't supposed to dominate everything, and you are allowed to serve hot! - salsa at the side if you want.

Now slam the tray in the oven and time it for about 7 minutes. Use this time wisely to stack all the dishes and your mess into one corner of the kitchen and have some more margherita.

When the timer lets you know, check if the cheese has melted and is bubbling. Don't let it stay in for longer than 10 minutes in total, the nachos are supposed to be warmed and not burnt.

When it all looks perfect for your needs, take it out of the oven and serve hot.
if you'd like, best served with:
Guacamole and Sour cream to soothe a sensitive tongue, also hot salsa at the side for specially interested.

Can't go wrong! If you're a bad cook, just get your guests suitably drunk and they wont ever know.

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