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A Cure for Everything Lemon, Ginger and Rooibos Drink

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5m 5m 1-Piece of cake 33
5 stars
Forked by Michela on 6 October 2009 (0 descendants)

fjordaan forked this from theotherblog and changed it:

"Adding cloves and rooibos"

Description (Some HTML is OK)

Winter warmer, great for colds. Pack this in a thermos and take it on a walk.


Makes 1 serving

  • Juice of 1 lemon (per glass)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • Thinly sliced ginger
  • 5-10 cloves
  • Hot water
  • 2 rooibos tea bags

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

Put it all in a glass. Stir. Couldn't be easier.

The grated ginger gives it a zing and is packed with something or other that's good for you even if the bits do get stuck in your teeth, it's worth it.

fjordaan sez: If you thinly slice the ginger rather than grate it you get just as much zing and no bits to spit out.

The taste of rooibos tea simply completes this concoction. It's caffeine free and can be steeped indefinitely without becoming bitter. Cloves make it more fragrant: even with totally bunged up sinuses. (Ginger, cloves and honey are typical chai tea ingredients.)

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Comments (1)

  • janen said on 26 Nov 2009:

    I'm diabetic, so made a pot of this lovely brew without honey. Bruised a good sized piece of ginger and let it steep with the other ingredients. Delicious and effective.

    janen tried this and rated it 5 stars

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