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Bacon and Lentil Soup

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Prep time Cook time Difficulty Views Rated (1) Recipe #
10m 45m 1-Piece of cake 63
4 stars
Forked by moleitau on 7 December 2007 (0 descendants)
Forked from tepic (1 ancestor)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

Filling and warming farmhouse soup, perfect for winter. Blend it even more and it makes perfect baby food too - but don't let that put you off.


Makes 4 servings

  • 100g - 400g Bacon bits / diced cooking bacon (quantity to taste)
  • 1 x Small/medium Swede
  • 100g - 200g Red or yellow lentils (quantity to taste)
  • 2-3 x Medium carrots
  • 1 x Large onions

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

1. Roughly peel and chop everything.

2. Little oil in large pan / soup tureen. Fry bacon + onions for 5 mins

3. All the other ingredients + salt/pepper to taste. *Just* cover with boiling water.

4. Simmer for 40 mins - keep eye on water level, stir occasionally. Lentils can go dry if you have not put enough water in.

5. Blend until desired texture.

Serve with Tabasco if you like it spicy.

Optionally put some cooked new potatoes in after blending if feeding hungry kids.

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Comments (1)

  • iphigenie said on 01 Nov 2008:

    Made it last night and enjoyed it - i happened to have all the ingredients at home :D I cant help to think it could do with one more spice or herb, but cant think of which just yet.

    iphigenie forked and changed this on 31 October 2008 She tried it and rated it 4 stars

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Nice with TabascoView on Flickr
Nice with TabascoNice with Tabasco
Tasty and filling!Tasty and filling!