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Banana on toast

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Prep time Cook time Difficulty Views Rated (0) Recipe #
5m 5m 1-Piece of cake 80
Not tried yet
Added by jean on 31 October 2007
tomwardill forked this on 20 January 2011 (1 descendant)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

Banana on toast. What do you not understand?


Makes 1 serving

  • Banana
  • Toast

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

Bananas are an excellent source of .. whatever .. potassium .. and if
you're sad and alone, this can be a cheering snack.

Toast the bread. It should be real bread, not fake bread. Real bread
stays in one piece when you spread butter on it, and can support the
weight of a slice of banana.

While the bread is getting toasted, cut the banana lengthwise into three
slices. If you can't even manage to do that, you're probably too drunk
to be handling even a blunt knife. Pop the slices onto the banana.
They'll probably be a bit long for the bread. If you're
obsessive-compulsive, you can trim them to fit the bread.

Eat while it's hot in a couple of big crunchy bites. Goes perfectly with
a cup of hot tea.

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Comments (1)

  • duncan said on 31 Mar 2008:

    Here's a trick for the three-way banana slicing. Rather than trying to cut it with a knife, just push your thumb or finger at the end of the banana, and it should start to split into three equal parts. Probably works best with a firm banana than a ripe one.

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