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Basic dumplings

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5m 20m 1-Piece of cake 739
Not tried yet
Added by Hawthorne on 11 October 2009
Aleta forked this on 16 October 2009 (1 descendant)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

This is intended to be a very basic recipe for dumplings. The variations are endless - see the preparation notes for details.

These can be soft, fluffy dumplings (my favourite) or crusty and crunchy. The dough can also be rolled out to about 1 cm, and used to top a pie (yum!).

The proportions of ingredients make it easy to adjust the amount made.


Makes 4 servings

  • 4 oz self raising flour
  • 2 oz beef or vegetable suet
  • ½ tsp salt
  • good grind of pepper
  • approx 75 ml of cold water

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

Basic recipe preparation:

Mix the flour, suet, salt and pepper. Add most of the water, and mix to a soft dough, adding the rest of the water if necessary. Knead very briefly, just to form it into a coherent lump. Split into 8 even pieces, and roll into balls.


If you want soft, fluffy dumplings, then add to your simmering stew / soup / casserole, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes.

If you like really crunchy dumplings, then add to your simmering / really hot stew (or a baking dish with a shallow layer of gravy), and bake uncovered in the oven at 180C for 20 minutes. It's even better if you roll the dumplings in melted butter first.

For a happy medium, when you've had a stew cooking in a low oven for hours, increase the heat to 180C and add the dumplings to the stew. Cook covered for 10 minutes, then uncovered for 10 minutes more.


My 'standard' dumplings incorporate a teaspoon of finely chopped thyme. Other yummy variations include:

1 finely sliced leek sautéed in butter until tender.
1 tsp horseradish
1 tsp dijon mustard
1 tsp dried mixed herbs

You can let your imagination run riot with this recipe - so long as you end up with a soft, workable dough you are pretty much guaranteed good results.

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