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Idiot poached egg

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5m 5m 1-Piece of cake 189
Not tried yet
Added by richardhouston on 15 November 2007 (0 descendants)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

Even an idiot can poach an egg. I am living proof of that.


Makes 1 serving

  • Egg
  • Clingfilm
  • Cup

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

Rip a square of Clingfilm large enough to drape baggily over the Cup with plenty of excess.

Break the Egg into the Clingfilm contained within the Cup.

Do try to use a fresh egg if you can.

Gather up the corners of the Clingfilm and knot the corners together loosely in the manner of tying up a bin bag.

So you've got an Egg in a little clingfilm sack. Yum!

Drop the eggy sack into boiling water.

Wait a while. Probably about 4 minutes or so. Depends how you like your egg. Better to overdo it than underdo it.

Using tongs or fingers, take the shrivelled bag out of the water and put it in a bowl. Wait a sec; it's hot. Unknot the corners (I did say knot loosely) and, using a spoon, scoop up the egg.

Oh - you should have made some toast. And buttered it. Put the egg on that.

You're done!

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