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Sure to be Soda Bread.

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Prep time Cook time Difficulty Views Rated (0) Recipe #
15m 45m 2-Pretty easy 131
Not tried yet
Forked by davidb on 23 June 2008 (0 descendants)
Forked from Foodidge (1 ancestor)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

One of the easiest breads to make. It may take a few goes before perfection but the taste alone makes it worthwhile trying. Once you have it mastered it's a good one to make to utilise your oven space whilst roasting a joint for example.


Makes 0 servings

  • 1lb/500g Wholemeal Flour
  • 1tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
  • 2tsp Salt
  • ½pint/300ml Buttermilk
  • Makes one large 1 ½ lb / 750g cob

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

1. Pre heat oven to Gas 7/ 220 0c
2. Grease and flour a baking sheet.

3. Sift flour with the soda into a bowl.
4. Pour in the buttermilk and mix to a soft dough. (most cartons of buttermilk are less than 300ml. You can add natural yoghurt or milk to achieve the correct consistency).
5. Shape into one large cob. Place on greased baking tray and score an X in the top of the cob.
6. Bake in pre heated oven at Gas7 / 220 oC for 30mins. Reduce heat to Gas6 / 200 oC and bake for another 15/20mins. (At this stage I like to turn the bread upside down to finish baking). When cooked the bread should sound hollow when you tap on the base.
7. When cooked remove from the oven cool wrapped in a damp, clean cloth. Store in an air tight container.

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