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10m n/a 1-Piece of cake 64
Not tried yet
Added by Row on 25 April 2010 (0 descendants)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

Does pudding get any nicer than this?


Makes 6 servings

  • 1 pt double cream
  • 8 meringue nests
  • 1 tbsp of icing sugar
  • 1 lb fresh strawberries

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

1. Hull the strawberries.
2. Put half the strawberries in a blender with the icing sugar and puree.
3. Pass the puree through a nylon sieve to get the seeds out.
4. Break up the meringue nests into small bits and mix in a bowl with the rest of the strawberries.
5. Whisk the cream until thick and fold into the strawberry/meringue mixture.
6. Pour some of the puree into the mixture and stir in to give a marbled effect.
7. Pour the remainder of the puree on top of the desert and finish off with a few chopped strawberries, if you have any left over.

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Photos by Row (3)

heaven in a bowl :)View on Flickr
strawberry pureestrawberry puree
heaven in a bowl :)heaven in a bowl :)
english strawberries, lovely :)english strawberries, lovely :)