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Goats Cheese, Thyme, Onion and Potato Bread

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Prep time Cook time Difficulty Views Rated (0) Recipe #
15m 45m 2-Pretty easy 278
Not tried yet
Added by Row on 23 February 2010
Mike forked this on 14 March 2010 (1 descendant)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

Pinched from St Delia, this is an excellent accompaniment to casseroles and stews. Strictly speaking, its not really bread (no yeast, not a lot of kneading, proving etc etc), more of a cake. But bread seems a more appropriate name.


Makes 4 servings

  • 110g firm goats cheese, pared and cut into cubes of 1cm
  • 6 spring onions, sliced
  • 1 potato (weighing about 175g), peeled
  • 175g self raising flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp chopped thyme leaves
  • ¾ tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 1 tsp wholegrain mustard
  • Few sprigs of thyme

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

1. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees C.
2. Sift the flour, salt and cayenne into a roomy mixing bowl.
3. Grate the potato into the flour
4. Add the spring onions, chopped thyme and 2/3rds of the cheese.
5. Blend everything together.
6. Beat the egg and then mix in the milk and mustard.
7. Pour this into the mixing bowl and stir in, bringing together in a loose lump.
8. Tip out onto a floured surface and knead lightly into a round, approx 6in across.
9. Transfer to the baking sheet and press the rest of the cheese onto the surface as well as the few sprigs of thyme.
10. Place in the oven and bake for 45 - 50 mins.

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