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Prawn and Chorizo Paella

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Prep time Cook time Difficulty Views Rated (1) Recipe #
10m 30m 2-Pretty easy 91
3 stars
Forked by winjer on 2 February 2008 (0 descendants)
Forked from tepic (1 ancestor)

Description (Some HTML is OK)

This is a quick and easy paella cooked all in one pan. You can use uncooked/fresh prawns if you prefer, but frozen precooked ones work just fine.

If you're feeding more people add the chicken and extra rice, and maybe a roughly chopped bell pepper or two.


Makes 4 servings

  • 1 Small onion, finely chopped
  • Half a chorizo, about 150g, skinned and sliced.
  • 2 chicken breasts, diced. Optional.
  • 100g - 200g prawns, to taste, defrosted and drained
  • 250g short grain rice, though basmati is fine
  • 1pt stock

Preparation (Some HTML is OK)

1. In a large frying pan or skillet gently fry the onion in a little olive oil for 1-2 mins

2. Add the chorizo and continue frying for another minute, until the oil starts to come out.

3. If using the chicken and peppers, add them now and cook for 5 minutes until the chicken is browned.

4. Add the prawns. Toss everything together, colouring the prawns nicely. Fry for a minute.

5. Add the rice and stock. Simmer very gently for 20 mins until stock is absorbed and rice is al dente.

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